Ultimately, we report current sexual practices certainly guys that has recently paid to own sex

Ultimately, we report current sexual practices certainly guys that has recently paid to own sex

We don’t build comparisons anywhere between guys who’d not recently paid for sex because the frequency is really low. Such study are meant to be descriptive merely.


Sao Paulo had the highest proportion of men who had ever been CSW clients (26.5 %), followed by Cuernavaca (10.4 %) and Tampa (4.9 %, p < 0.001). In Sao Paulo 23.0 % had ever paid women for sex as compared to 10.1 % in Cuernavaca and 4.6 % in Tampa (p < 0.001).

Table ? Table1 step 1 merchandise sociodemographic and sexual correlates regarding spending money on sex, stratified by the study webpages. Into the Sao Paulo, a higher ratio away from CSW customers have been aged 24–40 years; single, separated, or widowed; got higher instructional attainment; and you can was indeed MSMW. In terms of sexual behavior, there had been zero tall variations with regards to age of genital sex initiation and you will lifestyle reputation of STIs. Sao Paulo CSW subscribers had even more vaginal sex lovers than guys who had never ever taken care of sex.

Dining table step 1

Sociodemographic qualities and you can sexual routines certainly one of step three,829 men enrolled in the new HPV when you look at the Dudes (HIM) Studies by the existence orhidi.com pop over to this web-site reputation for buying sex, stratified because of the investigation web site, 2005–2009

Educational attainment and exact same-sex sexual behavior were of this spending money on sex one of guys into the Cuernavaca when you look at the bivariable analyses. With respect to sexual routines, there had been zero tall differences with regards to age of genital sex initiation. Weighed against Sao Paulo CSW customers, CSW clients in Cuernavaca was in fact prone to statement a lifetime reputation for STIs and not once you understand if they had ever endured a keen STI than dudes who’d never ever paid for sex. As in Sao Paulo, CSW members during the Cuernavaca had far more genital sex lovers than guys who’d never taken care of sex.

Inside the Tampa, paying for sex are regarding the decades, e-sex sexual behavior when you look at the bivariable analyses. In the place of brand new Sao Paulo and Cuernavaca products, CSW website subscribers was indeed likely to begin sex on earlier (i.age., prior to ages fourteen years) and later (i.age., once decades 18 years) ages than those who had never ever purchased sex. The same as CSW customers about almost every other places, CSW customers into the Tampa got so much more genital sex couples when compared with people who got never covered sex. Finally, CSW website subscribers when you look at the Tampa was very likely to declaration that have a great reputation of STIs as opposed to those that has never paid for sex.

Multivariable Habits having Correlates out-of Actually ever Investing in Sex

We constructed multivariable logistic regression patterns towards the associations anywhere between life reputation for purchasing sex and sociodemographic details (Table  dos ). Elderly ages is actually a serious correlate away from purchasing sex, whilst the associations had been different round the metropolises. During the Sao Paulo, CSW customers was basically expected to getting aged 24–31 and you may 32–40 as compared with 18–23 decades. Inside Cuernavaca, CSW subscribers was in fact prone to be old 41–71 as compared with 18–23 decades. Inside Tampa, CSW customers was in fact likely to be old 24–29, 32–40, and you will 41–70 than ages 18–23 years.

Desk 2

Logistic regression types of sociodemographic correlates regarding lifetime reputation of purchasing to possess sex certainly dudes when you look at the Sao Paulo, Brazil; Cuernavaca, Mexico; and you will Tampa, USA: 2005–2009

From inside the Sao Paulo and you will Cuernavaca, men sex members was indeed less inclined to become married otherwise cohabitating than getting single; relationship reputation was not of the paying for sex during the Tampa. High academic attainment try of are an excellent CSW visitors just about Sao Paulo and you will Cuernavaca trials. Across all around three web sites, MSMW had a great 72–162 % enhanced probability of being CSW customers as compared with MSW.

I 2nd created multivariable logistic regression habits on the contacts anywhere between lifestyle history of buying sex and you will sexual behaviors (Table  step three ). From the Sao Paulo, dudes just who initiated genital sex from the age 19 decades or old was indeed significant less inclined to have been an excellent CSW consumer than people who started at the years 14 age or younger after modifying getting years, e-sex sexual decisions. Regardless of if inside the bivariable analyses paying for sex was of this many years regarding genital initiation on Tampa shot, so it connection disappeared when we controlled sociodemographic parameters.

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