Which, combined with their own super-truthful reviews towards stress, gender, sexuality, and youthfulness disorder, obtained her hella awards, plus an enthusiastic Emmy

Which, combined with their own super-truthful reviews towards stress, gender, sexuality, and youthfulness disorder, obtained her hella awards, plus an enthusiastic Emmy


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Alright, did NOT realize Awkwafina’s first foray into comedy came via her “vag,” aka her rap music video that has well over 5 mill views. Awkwafina has since taken her comedic chops to big-time movies, including Crazy Rich Asians, Shang-Chi , and The Little Mermaid. She was also the first-ever Asian American to win a Golden Globe in any lead actress film category for her role in com-dram The Farewell. If you *really* want to see her shine, you MUST watch her Comedy Central series Awkwafina Is actually Nora out of Queens. Brace yaself for her hysterical show about a 27-year-old who moves back home and is struggling to “adult.”

Mary Beth Barone

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You guys. She’s comedy’s new ~It girl~. Mary Beth Barone delivers sarcastic, self-aware content that hits for us 20something chicks because she is a 20something chick. She’s performed on Comedy Central’s Right up Next, serversed Drag His Ass, a live comedy show, and appeared in an episode of Black Mirror.

Hannah Gadsby

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Aussie Hannah Gadsby came onto the ~scene~ after winning a comedian competition in her homeland. But her humor hit the States thanks to Nanette, her Netflix stand-up spesh/rebellion facing old-fashioned standup comedy.

Chelsea Peretti

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Продолжить чтениеWhich, combined with their own super-truthful reviews towards stress, gender, sexuality, and youthfulness disorder, obtained her hella awards, plus an enthusiastic Emmy