SPUNGING-Family, the new sheriff’s officer’s home, in which prisoners, when detained for personal debt, are now and again drawn

SPUNGING-Family, the new sheriff’s officer’s home, in which prisoners, when detained for personal debt, are now and again drawn

“For the reason that tight area, in which one guy off Sperm Create notice it a difficult number to find inebriated.” Peter Pindar, i., 245.

SPUNKS, lucifer fits.-Herefordshire; Scotland. Cum , says Urry, in the MS. notes to help you Ray, “is the excrescency of some tree, at which they make sort of tinder so you’re able to white their pipes that have.”

Rectangular, honest; “on the Square ,” i.elizabeth., fair and you may strictly truthful; “to make Rectangular ,” to change, and possess an individual’s staying in a respectable trends,-the opposite out-of Cross .

Punch portrayed the house away from Hudson, “the Train Queen,” in the Albert Entrance, that why do Bender girls have a sexy voice have a STAG with it, inside the allusion to that label.

STAG, observe, see, otherwise see,-eg an excellent STAG in the look; “ STAG this new push,” look at the audience. Together with, to help you dun, or demand fee.

Shocking BOB, an animal so you can exactly who new knife only needs dying out-of absolute problem otherwise accident,-told you away from beef on that membership not fit to have peoples restaurants.

Appears Your own Cup, subside; verbal sharply by anyone who wants to reduce a disruptive or inconvenient person.

Remain, “to face reduce,” to pay for a pal’s enjoyment; to help you incur expense; to hold that have medication, a great or sick; “it family Endured myself within the ?step one,000,” i.age., prices you to definitely share; “to stand Mat ,” so you can plead into the suppress which have a small piece of paper pinned toward nipple, inscribed “I am starving.”

Reputation, the position in the a street place, or with the control from a market path, daily filled from the an effective costermonger, or street supplier. (далее…)

Продолжить чтениеSPUNGING-Family, the new sheriff’s officer’s home, in which prisoners, when detained for personal debt, are now and again drawn