Ladies’ Educational Attainment and you will Relationship from inside the East Asia

Ladies’ Educational Attainment and you will Relationship from inside the East Asia

I attempt to respond to about three specific research questions about brand new benefit from wedding sector mismatches for understanding the designated decline in relationship pricing within the Korea.

(1) About what the quantity has changes in the training composition of the matrimony ong highly educated female, websites out-of alterations in particular combining propensities?

(2) From what the quantity has actually alterations in the training constitution of relationships ong reasonable-experienced men, online from changes in specific combining propensities?


The pace and you will magnitude of the trend toward after and less wedding might have been such as for example pronounced in The japanese, Korea, and you may Taiwan (Chen and Chen 2014; Playground and you may Lee 2017; Park mais aussi al. 2013; Raymo 2013; Raymo ainsi que al. 2015). Suggest ages initially matrimony has increased drastically throughout the years to own both men and women in these societies: from around decades twenty seven for men inside 1980 so you can throughout the ages 29 this current year, and you can out-of less than ages twenty five for females within the 1980 in order to years 29 this year (Raymo ainsi que al. 2015). (далее…)

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