Event 372 – Kosoko Jackson Winners Icon into the Rom-Coms and you will YA

Event 372 – Kosoko Jackson Winners Icon into the Rom-Coms and you will YA

Jeff studies the students mature thriller Endure the new Dome from the Kosoko Jackson. Jeff up coming interview Kosoko on the both Endure the fresh new Dome, and his rom-com I am Very (Not) More than You, coincidentally the latest Spring season Larger Homosexual Fictional Guide Pub options.

Kosoko talks about his favorite rom-coms, as to the reasons he chose to write one, in addition to implies brand new characters and you may facts changed in the early drafts. He as well as shares the actual lives occurrences that passionate Survive the latest Dome, and just what it try need to focus on a few totally different guides meanwhile. As well, the guy talks about this new icon off black and you can brownish queer characters that he will bring so you’re able to their tales. Together with, Kosoko offers book guidance and a peek regarding exactly what he or she is operating for the second.

Reveal Cards

Here you will find the one thing we talk about inside episode. (далее…)

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