Contraceptive and you can abortion in times out-of crisis: results from an internet survey regarding Venezuelan female

Contraceptive and you can abortion in times out-of crisis: results from an internet survey regarding Venezuelan female

Birth-control and abortion in times out-of crisis: results from an on-line questionnaire away from Venezuelan women

Introduction: During the last a decade, Venezuela has had an intricate humanitarian crisis who’s limited accessibility so you can medical care. We attempted to identify Venezuelan ladies experiences being able to access sexual and you will reproductive health characteristics, together with abortion, that is heavily minimal legally.

Methods: We fielded an online questionnaire inside ong Venezuelan female hired courtesy social networking adverts. We used descriptive statistical analyses playing with Do well and you will STATA SE Type sixteen.0.

Results: We obtained 851 accomplished questionnaire answers. Nearly all respondents knowledgeable tall hardship during the last seasons, in addition to inflation (99%), concerns for private cover (86%), electricity outages (76%), and you will shortage of usage of brush liquids (74%) and you will medicines (74%). Two thirds from respondents utilized birth control over the past 2 yrs, and you may almost 50 % of (44%) out-of participants had complications opening birth control during that same period of time. On you to 5th from participants said which have got an abortion; of these, 63% utilized abortion pills, and you can 72% claimed dilemmas in the process. 1 / 2 of people who got an enthusiastic abortion made it happen on the very own, just like the partner sought for let – sometimes off relatives otherwise relatives (34%), out-of organization on individual health markets (14%), or from the internet (12%). (далее…)

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