All of our computers simulation-dependent study comes from a special mathematical model toward figure out of a partnership

All of our computers simulation-dependent study comes from a special mathematical model toward figure out of a partnership

The state (quality) of the relationship is monitored by a time variable x(t) –called the feeling here– whose evolution is controlled by the couple through the effort each partner puts into the relationship, summarized by two variables, cstep 1(t) and cdos(t) –called the effort variables.

In terms of Sternberg’s triangular theory of love , x(t) can be thought to be related with the (non-rational) dimensions of love, i.e. passion and intimacy, while c1(t) and c2(t) may represent the (rational) dimension decision/commitment.

Dynamical possibilities idea will bring the ideal toolbox to have modeling the brand new temporary progression off good dyadic program, for example a connection. This analytical approach was applied in to describe marital correspondence in the research also to fix bad pattern personality. As well as, dynamical expertise were chosen for to explain the original stage out-of intimate relationship –what is known as limerence problem off like . An equivalent means was utilized directly into analyze this new fascinating problem of the advanced emotional communication for the a trio. The theory that advancement regarding a love will likely be controlled thru an effective dynamical program was formal in the . If you’re and you will matter the fresh new telecommunications character of couples throughout the short otherwise typical title, this new model inside the is the enough time-title evolution of relationship, the associated material to the establish investigation. This issue is linked with the accessory disorder off like –come across . An obtainable breakdown of the newest statistical varieties of like dynamics is actually provided during the . (далее…)

Продолжить чтениеAll of our computers simulation-dependent study comes from a special mathematical model toward figure out of a partnership