Cuban actress Ana de Armas will get their particular large break given that Gosling?s girlfriend in ?Knife Runner 2049?

Cuban actress Ana de Armas will get their particular large break given that Gosling?s girlfriend in ?Knife Runner 2049?

Their particular title ? Ana de Armas ? isn?t common but really regarding U. S., though she had prominent parts for the ?Battle Dogs? (playing Miles Teller?s wife) and in ?Hands regarding Stone? (to tackle Edgar Ramirez?s partner). Yet over the past decade, the new Cuban-created actress could have been a consistently ascending film and television star both in Cuba and you will The country of spain. (далее…)

Продолжить чтениеCuban actress Ana de Armas will get their particular large break given that Gosling?s girlfriend in ?Knife Runner 2049?