Wade ye, for this reason, and you can carry out the performs away from Abraham; enter ye towards the my rules and you will ye shall be stored

Wade ye, for this reason, and you can carry out the performs away from Abraham; enter ye towards the my rules and you will ye shall be stored

For those angels failed to abide my rules; thus, they cannot end up being increased, however, will still be alone and singly, as opposed to exaltation, within their stored standing, to all or any eternity; and of henceforth aren’t gods, but are angels out of God forever and you will previously. [D&C 132:6, 16–17]

Abraham gotten all things, after all he received, of the disclosure and you may commandment, of the my keyword, saith god, and hath inserted towards his exaltation and you can sitteth abreast of his throne. . . .

Siblings, could i state, this is actually the word-of the father. It is rather, extremely serious, and there is no body just who will be dispute toward Lord. He made the earth; he produced the individuals. The guy knows the standards. He place the applying, and in addition we commonly practical sufficient or smart enough to be in a position to dispute him regarding such issues. He understands what is actually correct and you may genuine.

We request you to remember these materials. You all pupils, ensure your marriage excellent. Ensure that lifetime is great. (далее…)

Продолжить чтениеWade ye, for this reason, and you can carry out the performs away from Abraham; enter ye towards the my rules and you will ye shall be stored