Would Hiring Managers Discriminate against Remain-at-Domestic Dads?

Would Hiring Managers Discriminate against Remain-at-Domestic Dads?

Put teacher Julia Melin charts evolving attitudes of males whom return to focus immediately following delivering time away to improve its high school students.

from the Kirk Kardashian

It is widely reported that women experience downsides about work markets on account of motherhood and gender stereotypes. The fresh new “motherhood penalty,” particularly, explanations moms and dads become perceived as which have all the way down skills and you can commitment, which in turn contributes to all the way down odds of employing and strategy, and lower needed wages, as compared to non-parents and you may men.

Yet another teacher into the Tuck’s Business Decisions group, Julia Melin instructs Handling Communities plus Equity Analytics in the Teams in the MBA system. Their particular look focuses primarily on gender and office inequality, profession transitions, financial sociology, business framework, and much more. (далее…)

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