Infrastructure, abortion and you may LGBTQ legal rights element during the latest Alaska You.S. Senate debate

Infrastructure, abortion and you may LGBTQ legal rights element during the latest Alaska You.S. Senate debate

By: James Brooks —

From left so you can best, the 3 actively campaigning people getting Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat have emerged for the televised Discussion into the Condition to the Thursday, , in the Anchorage. New debate is actually managed by the KTOO, Alaska Personal Media, and you can Alaska’s Development Origin. (Screenshot)

Regarding final argument away from Alaska’s You.S. Senate election, incumbent Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski and her dominant opponent, Republican Kelly Tshibaka, contended regarding contentious items together with abortion and you can weapon manage, however their biggest variation are among method and you will bipartisanship. (далее…)

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