How to Plan a Successful Board Meeting

A board meeting is an important setting where major corporate decisions involving management selections, financial control and responses to crises are decided. The board presents their perspectives, debates different ideas and then comes to an agreement on key issues.

A successful Board Meeting requires careful preparation and adherence to documents that govern the meeting, like the articles of association for your business and statutory requirements. This includes the requirement for a quorum. A Quorum is the minimum number of attendees required to conduct business during a session, usually two directors, however, a higher number could be stipulated in your governing documents.

The first board meeting of the year serves as a foundational meeting that sets the tone for your company’s governance structures and strategic direction. The first meeting of the year typically includes discussions and the making of decisions that shape the initial path of an organization, for example, adopting a bylaw or naming officers, as well as creating a financial accounts.

Start the meeting by introducing your most important agenda items to energize your board members and keep them on the same page. It’s easy to get sidetracked and waste valuable time by discussing new topics. Include an «Area of focus» or parking lot on the agenda.

After discussing new and old matters, the board of directors typically develops strategies to encourage progress and sets action items to achieve these goals. The board also considers obstacles that hinder progress and works to overcome these. After deciding on strategies for the future the board goes through a list to monitor performance and identify areas of improvement.

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