How to Host a Successful Board Meeting

If you have a diverse board of directors, it’s not always easy to ensure that all viewpoints are heard and considered. The more you value your board members’ time and expertise as well as their expertise, the more they’ll participate in discussions. Planning the agenda carefully and distributing it before the deadline and deciding on the best timing, deciding on the right location, and having quick access to all resources is key.

It is essential to keep an open line of communication with your board, even if you are not in a formal gathering. It can prevent bad news or other issues from being discussed for the first time during the meeting and helps to create a sense of unity among directors. Having short interruptions in the meeting room could also aid in keeping meetings productive.

Limiting the number of subjects to be addressed at a meeting is another great way to improve the efficiency of your board meetings. Prioritizing two major issues for each meeting helps keep the discussion on track and facilitates more meaningful discussions.

Board members can be frustrated when a discussion veers off-topic or is led by one person. This can be very frustrating especially if the board member spent precious time preparing for the agenda only to discover that their attention is being diverted by other unrelated topics.

Think about removing lengthy reports and other routine items. Encourage chairpersons and officers to distribute summary bullet points prior to the meeting. This will free up time for strategic discussions without the need to have board members sit through lengthy reports.

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