How to Select Effective Board Portal Software

If they’re working in the same room or across continents, board members need to be confident that they have the most current version of documents. That’s why having a central shared system of record is vital for your meeting preparation and governance processes. The most effective board management software can update documents at the same time regardless of the device or platform is being utilized by the participants. With this degree of security, documents for boards are accessible and commented on at any time by a range of participants, ensuring the right information is readily available to make strategic decisions at all times.

When deciding on a board portal solution, look for one that has the following key characteristics:

Meeting invites and scheduling tools: Easily determine meeting dates and times using simple automated tools. Also, allow attendees to sign up for meetings online and provide reminders.

Agenda builder tools can create dynamic, fully digital meeting agendas with specific time limits and people assignments. Some portals even have embedded documents of reference.

Task management: Ensure all board members have completed their work prior to the next meeting with a comprehensive task manager. The most effective solution will display all tasks assigned to them on a central dashboard, allowing directors to verify that visit this site post about onboard software review meet a reliable provider they have reviewed the meeting materials, finalized a budget for a campaign that’s coming up or snapped photos at a volunteer event, for instance.

Training & support: Be sure to offer multiple opportunities for technology-challenged board members to receive training. Aim to hold group training sessions in different times and locations, and think about reaching out for board members with disabilities in technology to schedule 1:1 training sessions.

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