How do I keep my puppy flea free

The best way to keep your puppy flea-free is to utilize good preventative measures. Start by vacuuming your home regularly, especially in areas that the puppy has access to including furniture and carpets. Vacuum bags should be disposed of immediately after use. Additionally, wash all of your pet’s bedding on a regular basis. Consider using a natural remedy such as eucalyptus oil to clean pet beds — it is a natural flea deterrent.

Inspect your pup closely each week for any signs of area infestation or bites on their skin, as these can easily become hot spots if left untreated. If any signs are found you may need to consider a vet visit and potentially dealing with more serious problems such as tapeworms and other parasites.

It’s also important to use preventative care treatments from time to time, typically prescribed by veterinarians: topical solutions, oral tablets or sprays can all be used depending on the breed, lifestyle and age of the pet. As an extra precaution you could add an herbal or vitamin supplement, or sprinkle diatomaceous earth over your pup’s coat once per week; this acts as a barrier against fleas preventing them from taking hold.

Finally there are several different monthly treatments available that when used alongside preventative measures can give added peace of mind that your pet is seresto flea and tick collar for dogs safe from bothersome fleas!

Vacuum your home regularly

One of the best steps you can take to keep your puppy flea-free is to regularly vacuum your home. This will remove all pet hairs and other accumulated fur that are great hiding spots for fleas. Your vacuum should have an adjustable nozzle so you can vacuum corners and tight spaces where fleas might be residing.

You should also empty your vacuum bag after every use so that no flea eggs or larvae are left behind in the dirt particles that accumulate in it. A sealed bag and a heating system, such as steam or hot water extraction, will kill off any remaining eggs or larvae that may be present in the dirt particles.

Finally, remember to clean your puppy’s bedding frequently; this will further reduce the chance of any eggs or larvae infesting it. All of these steps combined will greatly help keep your puppy flea-free!

Use a vet-recommended flea treatment

Keeping your puppy flea-free is key to keeping your pet and home environment healthy. The best way to do this is by using a vet-recommended flea treatment product.

Vet-recommended flea treatments come in a variety of forms, such as topical liquids, sprays, shampoos and tablets. All of these products are designed specifically to kill adult fleas on contact and prevent future infestations by disrupting the life cycle of the flea.

When selecting a vet-recommended flea treatment for your puppy, consider your puppy’s size, age and activity level as well as any allergies he may have. Make sure you understand how often you must apply the product (many treatments need to be applied every month) and whether or not it can get wet. You may also want to ask your vet which product would be best for your pup’s specific needs.

Wash pet bedding frequently in hot water

Keeping your puppy flea-free requires a combination of preventative measures. One of those measures is to frequently wash their bedding in hot water. Hot water will kill any fleas that may be hiding in the bedding, while also deterring new ones from entering the equation.

It’s important to use hot when comes to washing pet bedding because cold or lukewarm water won’t be effective at killing off any fleas that could potentially be there. It’s also important to launder the bedding on a regular basis—once every few weeks is ideal. In addition, make sure you wash all bedding in one load and separate it from other laundry, as this will ensure the disinfecting capabilities of the hot water are thoroughly adhered to.

Ultimately, frequent washing and laundering of pet bedding can help you avoid dealing with an infestation of fleas and greatly reduce your chances of battling these pesky pests in the first place.


Taking preventive measures such as these is key to ensuring that your pup stays healthy and flea free.

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