7 Strategies for when your mind has gone to mush

A person can also experience acute inflammation, which can result from a traumatic head injury, for example. When you can’t concentrate, mental tasks can https://ecosoberhouse.com/ feel like a moving target. Rather than being able to hone in and focus, your mind constantly wanders off, making it difficult to get anything done.

why does my brain feel like mush

It also can help to get to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Talk to your doctor if you think your brain fog might be caused by a sleep disorder like apnea, insomnia, or narcolepsy. Some kinds of drugs — over-the-counter and prescribed — can cause brain fog. If you take medicine and notice that your thinking isn’t as clear as it should be or you suddenly can’t remember things, call your doctor. It is suspected that sensitivity to some chemicals (both natural and man-made) can also cause brain fog, a possibility that is debated in the medical community.. Brain fog tends to affect executive function — a set of skills that are essential for planning, organizing information, following directions and multitasking, among other things.

How To Overcome Anxiety Brain Fog

Sometimes, relieving brain fog is a matter of correcting a nutritional deficiency, switching medications, or improving the quality of your sleep. If you’re diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, a doctor may recommend a corticosteroid or other medication to reduce inflammation or suppress the immune system. For example, if you’re anemic, iron supplements may increase your production of mush brain red blood cells and reduce your brain fog. Poor sleep quality can interfere with how well your brain functions, according to 2021 research. Hospital emergency rooms are full of people who have made mushy-brained mistakes. In the waiting room you will find exhausted parents with dropped babies, exhausted chefs with sliced fingers and exhausted motorists with air-bag blackened eyes.

In some people, the symptoms are bad enough to interfere significantly with daily life. Talk to your healthcare provider about lupus treatments that can address your symptoms and ways to circumvent your memory issues. Depression can make you feel sluggish—both physically and mentally. Many people with this condition have trouble concentrating, remembering things, and making decisions, which can cause you to spiral into even deeper depression. Getting a targeted treatment plan based on the specific type of depression you have (there are 7 types of depression) can help minimize symptoms of brain fog. Even if doctors can’t find a physical cause for your brain fog, there are steps you can take to manage it, Dr. Hellmuth said.

Tips and Tricks to Reduce Brain Fog

At Amen Clinics, we use brain SPECT imaging as part of a comprehensive evaluation to identify the root causes of brain fog and to address the conditions related to cognitive dysfunction. Amen Clinics has also created a proven Memory Rescue Program that can help you address your risk factors, train your brain, and improve your memory. This mushy brain sensation probably isn’t merely in our heads.

Snack on dry fruits like almonds and walnuts, and avoid refined sugar and fried foods, which Dr Sandeep Nayani, neurologist at Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, says can be detrimental to our brain function. Cut down, or ideally eliminate smoking and excessive alcohol consumption which, he adds, has been linked to brain shrinkage. When you feel the brain fog seeping in it can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re trying to get something done. Brain wave vibrations, a meditation technique can help you break through the fog. This 10-minute routine can help you break out of the heaviness clouding your mental space, release the tension that’s built up in your muscles because of the stress and centre yourself. Brain fog got its moment in the limelight because of the pandemic.


And if you can clearly identify and communicate your symptoms, it will be easier for you to walk the path to wellness. In many cases, basic lifestyle changes should help you overcome the grogginess. Improving your sleep hygiene and reducing your stress levels can free up valuable energy to regain your mental clarity.

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