What is Platform as a Service PaaS?

Delivering a new application can now be accomplished within a web browser, either using a point-and-click interface or by deploying custom code. A platform as a service allows businesses to easily deploy, run, and manage custom cloud applications without the complexity of building and maintaining their own servers and infrastructure. For cloud-native development use cases, a Kubernetes-based PaaS can function as the platform on which container-based applications can run, scale, and be managed.

what is Platform as a Service

Other business leaders, such as legal compliance officers, can also be involved in PaaS decisions to ensure that PaaS use adheres to business continuance and regulatory requirements of the organization. Software architects and engineers can recognize and help select a specific PaaS as a meaningful engine for workload development, https://globalcloudteam.com/ modernization and integration. Learn the differences between IaaS, PaaS and SaaS cloud service categories. An organization might find the move to PaaS compelling considering potential cost savings over on-premises alternatives. From here, you will be able to make a copy, download the content, and share it with your team.

SaaS Delivery

PaaS providers also typically offer value added tools to help developers and teams stay productive when deploying and operating their apps. This may include support for continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), integration with popular third-party services, or app monitoring and management tools. A PaaS offering provides a development environment on-demand, eliminating the need to buy, build or manage the underlying infrastructure. As a result, development teams can get up and running faster, release applications quicker and get to-market sooner. What these categories have in common is that they provide computing resources to users as services delivered via the internet. The difference between them is that they deliver different amounts or types of such components.

  • PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS are all types of cloud computing services, but they differ in terms of what is offered.
  • Firewall-as-a-Service is a cloud-based offering that provides users with next-generation firewall capabilities, such as advanced threat protection , web filtering, Domain Name System security, and intrusion prevention systems .
  • Autonomous development and delivery teams can make use of the platform to deliver business functionality at a higher pace, with reduced coordination.
  • It is because of this that plenty of businesses decide to opt for a PaaS model whereby they can retain control over the applications and data used in their cloud network.
  • Public PaaS is derived from software as a service , and is situated in cloud computing between SaaS and infrastructure as a service .

Instead of the developers controlling these tasks, the PaaS providers take responsibility. Private PaaS. A private PaaS option aims to deliver the agility of public PaaS while maintaining the security, compliance, benefits and potentially lower costs of the private data center. This model is usually delivered as an appliance or advantages of paas software within the user’s firewall, which is frequently maintained in the company’s on-premises data center. A private PaaS can be developed on any type of infrastructure and can work within the company’s specific private cloud. PaaS architectures keep their underlying infrastructure hidden from developers and other users.

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One term you’re likely seeing more frequently in the world is XaaS, short for Everything as a Service. XaaS refers to the highly-individualized, responsive, data-driven products and offerings that are fully controlled by customers—and the data they provide via everyday IoT-powered sources like cell phones and thermostats. This cloud service also can greatly reduce costs and it can simplify some challenges that come up if you are rapidly developing or deploying an app. Integration with existing apps and services can be a major concern if the SaaS app is not designed to follow open standards for integration. In this case, organizations may need to design their own integration systems or reduce dependencies with SaaS services, which may not always be possible.

what is Platform as a Service

Brianna Blaney began her career in Boston as a fintech writer for a major corporation. She later progressed to digital media marketing with various finance platforms in San Francisco. Using PaaS is convenient for many businesses, but with that convenience come a few disadvantages that you’ll need to weigh against the pros. Browse Knowledgebase articles, manage support cases and subscriptions, download updates, and more from one place. If you’re a Gartner client you already have access to additional research and tools on your client portal. Master your role, transform your business and tap into an unsurpassed peer network through our world-leading virtual and in-person conferences.


The “platform” in PaaS refers to a programming language ecosystem, or “tech stack.” Popular language-based application tech stacks include Ruby on Rails, Django Python, Node.js MEAN stack, Java SpringMVC, among others. However, as enterprise data continued to grow exponentially, it became clear organizations would have to supplement their existing data centers with the cloud. Cloud-native development was the next logical step following the availability of infrastructure as a service . Of course, cloud-native development results in cloud-native applications , which is another huge trend. The computing services are priced based on computations, storage space, and network resources. Some PaaS vendors also provide already defined business functionality so that users can avoid building everything from very scratch and hence can directly start the projects only.

To ensure high availability, it’s possible to use a failover mechanism in cloud computing. This technology enables switching to the secondary backup component of the cloud system when the primary one fails through load balancing, i.e. redistribution of workload across different vendors. However, in PaaS cloud computing, as it mentioned above, developers are limited to the features of the chosen platform. So it can be difficult for them to create a custom and reliable failover mechanism.

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Hybrid PaaS combines the public and private clouds into a hybrid cloud. Businesses can continue to use on-premises infrastructure for privacy while combining with the public cloud for additional resources. PaaS allows developers to experiment with various development tools and operating systems without having to make significant investments in new software, tools or infrastructure. A service of the Salesforce Platform, Heroku lets developers deploy, manage, and scale consumer apps using open tools and languages. The Salesforce Platform combines the power of no-code builders and pro-code tools into one family of services to provide the most complete PaaS toolkit available.

Use a prominent PaaS customer’s Hadoop service instead of setting up the system from scratch. Open source software framework Apache Hadoop is able to cope with large data sets across distributed virtual machine clusters. It’s not enough to simply put your data in the cloud if you want to make use of it. Communications Platform as a Service is a subcategory for these services . For example, serverless only charges you for what your application consumes, which is a distinct advantage.

What is PaaS (platform as a service)?

Users can access services including distributed load balancing, web application firewall, global server load balancing , network and application performance management across a multi-cloud environment. It helps ensure fast time-to-value, operational simplicity, and deployment flexibility in a highly secure manner. Although many PaaS providers offer similar services, each provider has unique nuances and limitations. Users should test prospective providers to ensure their services meet any business or technical requirements, such as supported languages and service availability. As examples, Wasabi offers cloud-based object storage as a PaaS, while open platforms such as OpenStack and Apache CloudStack enable organizations to build their own private PaaS resources.

what is Platform as a Service

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