7 Signs of a High Functioning Alcoholic

In addition, some heavy drinkers will experience gastrointestinal bleeding and pancreatitis as well. Weakened immunity, chronic inflammation, seizures, and mental health disorders can develop as a result of long-term heavy drinking. The ability for HFAs to conceal an addiction or maintain societal norms does not change the fact that we struggle with a substance use disorder. Someone struggling with alcoholism can only live a normal life until the disorder starts to affect their behavior and health. The individual will be at risk of social, legal, and health consequences as the disease continues to progress.

The alcohol is interfering with their family, their friendships, their job, and their health. Alcohol withdrawal can begin within hours of ending a drinking session. While cirrhosis scars from excessive drinking are irreversible, quitting alcohol and leading a healthier lifestyle can help your liver heal from alcohol-related liver disease. Functional alcoholics differ from those who struggle with alcoholism, primarily in how alcohol affects their lives.

Engages in high-risk behaviors

A detox may take place at a hospital or inpatient facility, such as rehab. The NIAAA offers a range of assessment tools and strategies to help people understand their drinking patterns, reduce their drinking, or quit completely. It is important to note that these signs may not be obvious to a loved one or friend.

high functioning alcoholic

Again, this type of behavior is hard to pick up on, but keep an eye out for any unexpected changes to your loved one’s routine, especially if they tend to be absent for extended spells. Fast forward to two years after college graduation, and Josh is thriving as a go-getter in a rapidly expanding high functioning alcoholic marketing firm. The head of the firm takes note of his motivation and charisma, but he also takes note of the three beers Josh regularly orders at company lunches. Again, Josh doesn’t see his drinking as an issue because he consistently ranks at the top of the firm’s list of monthly performers.

Signs Of A High-Functioning Alcoholic

A high-functioning alcoholic might precisely prohibit individuals from being in their homes. This is because they don’t want to have their drinking habits exposed to the world. Even though functional alcoholism might appear doable short-term, and long-term, it’s unsustainable. Furthermore, it’s also unsustainable to be in a relationship with a high-functioning alcoholic who doesn’t address their addiction and check into an alcohol and drug addiction rehab center.

high functioning alcoholic

For example, it may be easy to overlook how your health and well-being are affected by alcohol use when your commitment to excellence in your field keeps you achieving great things. So, let’s look at how to identify if you are considered a high-functioning alcoholic and what steps you can take to protect your career and improve your health. Clients in an outpatient program can participate in person at a residential https://ecosoberhouse.com/ treatment center or virtually with online meetings. As new obstacles arise, they can lean into support from a therapist and their peers and deepen their self-confidence in navigating sobriety outside of a more structured treatment environment. Treatment centers are a safe space for clients to get to the root of addiction issues, address any co-occurring disorders, and lay the foundation for life in recovery.

Patient Care Network

A functional alcoholic, on the other hand, appears to escape unscathed. Even if the person in question doesn’t present any outward signs of addiction, they may be burdened by the same problems as a heavy drinker unable to function as well. Functional alcoholics feel if the world doesn’t see that they have a problem, then it doesn’t exist. In layman’s terms, if they’re happy, successful, and doing well financially, then they are fine.

A high-functioning alcoholic will seize any occasion as an opportunity to drink. From a work lunch to an office party to a night out, any excuse will do for someone dependent on alcohol. If you suspect that a loved one is drinking as a coping mechanism, this typically indicates they have some form of problem with alcohol. Josh gained a reputation as the “life of the party” starting in high school. He and his group of friends started experimenting with alcohol when one of their fathers left a six-pack of light beer unattended in the garage.

A person can appear perfectly normal and display none of the classic traits of an alcoholic and yet be abusing alcohol. Family members, friends, and colleagues may notice signs of alcohol abuse, such as slurred speech, an unsteady gait, or an unwillingness to participate in evening social activities. Those with high-functioning alcoholism often binge drink, consuming five or more per sitting and typically drinking every other day.

high functioning alcoholic

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