Accounting & Bookkeeping Basics: Overview

bookkeeping 101

For now, let’s demystify the five – yup, just five – basic account types necessary for bookkeeping. Then, businesses need to list their accounts by creating a general ledger – called a Chart of Accounts – which we’ll cover more in a bit. Every transaction you make needs to be categorized and entered into your books.

Wave – Wave is a cloud-based accounting software designed specifically for small businesses and freelancers. It offers a range of features to help manage finances, including invoicing, receipt scanning, and expense tracking. Keeping track of loans payable is crucial for managing the financial health of your business. By knowing what you owe and when payments are due, you can plan your cash flow and ensure that you have the funds available to make timely payments. When dealing with cash transactions, it’s important to gather bank statements and any other relevant financial information to ensure accurate tracking. This information can help you get a complete picture of your financial activity and make informed decisions.

How Does Bookkeeping Differ From Accounting?

Whether you take on your small-business bookkeeping yourself or end up outsourcing to an expert, understanding the basics will help you better manage your finances. You’ll save time chasing receipts, protect yourself from costly errors, and gain valuable insights into your business’s potential. Fully automated accounting software makes keeping your books as easy as possible. Enter some basic business information and we’ll send you up to five free quotes customized to your unique bookkeeping needs. While accounting software can feel intimidating to those with no bookkeeping or accounting experience, many products are designed specifically for the financial novice.

bookkeeping 101

The advantage of a double-entry accounting system is that it assures accuracy. For every debit, there is a corresponding and equal credit. Bookkeeping is not something you can pick and do when it suits you. One of the most important bookkeeping basics is to stay consistent and stick to the schedule you’ve established for your business.

Key Metrics Every D2C Business Needs to Track for Success

Each transaction must be recorded on both ledgers so that any changes made to one ledger will be reflected in the other. This helps maintain accuracy and ensure that all transactions are balanced correctly. Bookkeeping is the process of recording financial transactions and maintaining financial records.

  • You must record all financial transactions — ideally once a week.
  • Records those invoices and bills even if the funds haven’t been exchanged.
  • By leveraging the power of technology and professional expertise, you can effectively manage your finances and ensure the success of your small business.
  • Look at your books and start canceling those subscriptions.
  • The bookkeeping transactions can be recorded by hand in a journal or using a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.
  • This is all of the money that you spend to operate your business which isn’t directly related to the sale of goods or services.

To avoid this annoying hassle, set a date every month to do your bookkeeping and COMMIT to it. This quick tutorial will walk you through how to create a monthly income statement. Fast forward just six months, we had restructured the agency across the world.

Single vs. double-entry bookkeeping

With this type of service, you can communicate completely by email or phone without having to worry about meeting in person. The responsibilities handled by a service will depend on the provider. Simplifies processes such as applying for a business loan or buying new equipment. Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us.

After all, if you don’t know how much you’re making or where that money is going, you’ll have a hard time finding ways to expand your profitability. This process can be as simple as preparing an invoice for a customer to setting up your electric bill to be paid. One of the great things about using a software is that the debits and credits involved in creating an invoice are all handled behind the scenes.


Rather than facing a major surprise when the taxman comes knocking, it’s a good idea that you budget for tax as you go along so you don’t have to pay a big chunk at once. The above terms are really the most basic bookkeeping terms you should be aware of — to begin with. This is the financial statement which presents a summary of your financial activity over a certain period of time.

  • The level of coverage you need will depend on the size and complexity of your business finances.
  • The visual examples, charts and tips make it easy to follow and understand.
  • Most small businesses will either do their books themselves or outsource the work to a professional.
  • The insights you get from your bookkeeping will help you reap the rewards of your business for years to come.
  • This is best for bigger agencies with complex accounts, employees, and multiple inventories.
  • Account or your account balances won’t match and you won’t be able to close your books.

Assets are simply all the things you or your company owns to help you successfully run the business. It can range from cash, buildings and land right through to tools, vehicles and furniture. Expand your bookkeeping knowledge by brushing up on the most common bookkeeping errors . For example, if you prepare and post an invoice in the amount of $150 to John Brown for consulting, you’ll need to record that information in a journal entry. If you are going to offer your customers credit or if you are going to request credit from your suppliers, then you have to use an accrual accounting system. The insights you get from your bookkeeping will help you reap the rewards of your business for years to come.

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